

Kids Help Phone is Canada’s only 24/7 national, e-mental health service offering free, confidential, multilingual support to young people. As the country’s virtual care expert, we give millions of youth a safe, trusted space to talk over phone or through text or in self-directed supports in any moment of crisis or need. Through our digital transformation, we envision a future where every person in Canada is able to feel out loud and get the support they need, when they need it most. Kids Help Phone gratefully relies on the generosity of donors, volunteers, stakeholder partners, corporate partners and governments to fuel and fund our programs.

Visit KidsHelpPhone.ca to learn more.

We’re building a future where no one is left behind.

Canada and the world are in the grips of a mental health crisis that ruins health, threatens lives and hurts economies. “No one left behind” is a rallying cry. To stand together, to bring one another strength and to search for answers that don’t yet exist. And if we can’t find what we need, we build it. As Canada’s largest mental health hospital and one of the world’s leading research centres in its field, CAMH is prepared to go further than ever to support those facing mental illness.

Visit camh.ca to learn more.
Jack.org Logo

Region: Greater Toronto Area

Canada’s only charity training and empowering young leaders to revolutionize mental health by providing education, leadership and advocacy training, and mentorship to young people aged 15-24. Through Jack Talks, Jack Chapters, and Jack Summits, young leaders identify and dismantle barriers to positive mental health in their communities.
Visit jack.org to learn more.

Region: British Columbia

VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation is the primary philanthropic partner of Vancouver Coastal Health, the largest health authority in BC. VGH is home to the Joseph & Rosalie Segal & Family Health Centre, the largest purpose-built facility of its kind in the province for people with mental health and substance use issues.
Visit vghfoundation.ca to learn more.
Douglas Foundation logo

Region: Quebec

Created in 1972, the Douglas Foundation’s mission is to finance the development of: patient care, research in neuroscience and mental health, and education and training. Our mission is to build hope for people affected by mental illness and their families.
Visit fondationdouglas.qc.ca to learn more.
Mental Health Foundation of Nova Scotia logo

Region: Nova Scotia

The Mental Health Foundation of Nova Scotia is a registered charity that aims to increase financial support to community initiatives throughout Nova Scotia while providing hope and eradicating the stigma surrounding mental illness and addiction. 

Visit mentalhealthns.ca to learn more.

Help us put Mental Health into focus.

Join our community today to help break the stigma of mental illness. Show us what mental illness looks like to you.

Help us put Mental Health into focus.

Join our community today to help break the stigma of mental illness. Show us what mental illness looks like to you.

En moyenne, plus de 10 Canadiens meurent du suicide chaque jour.

- Santé publique Canada

Si vous ou quelqu’un que vous connaissez a besoin d’aide, veuillez appeler la ligne de Crise de la Santé Mentale au 1-888-893-8333

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On average, more than 10 Canadians die by suicide every day.

- Public Health Canada

If you or someone you know needs help, please call the Mental Health Crisis Line at 1-833-456-4566

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